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Attorney General Kamala Harris

There are no words more relevant, more reality and reflective of each struggle, each Government challenge we have faced as a Nation and as a Community that comes into focus even if this poor quality phone camera was not in focus, lol, the moment of being with Kamala Harris our new US Senator has transformed our lives! We have never met anyone more honest, ethical and the real deal and after years of studies on her Attorney General Case files, she has elevated my strength, courage and wisdom and a mentor to me daily to not walk away no matter how many of us have been downed by the "systematic errors and damages' of a stoic government in our country. Those that have no experienced or reached out to be there for those damaged might not know the reason to stay very close to this new US Senator, but we see the future and she is a very important part of our shifts in our Government and her intelligence and Zero Tolerance for Corporate Corruption to her stand on Equality has resonated a dream to work for her and with her in near future.

Kamala Harris has been one of the most unique spirits and I will always recall the day of the reinstatement of Gay Marriage in 2012 and she stood up against her colleagues who were all in favor of Proposition 8 and she Officiated the first Gay Marriage of the Gay Attorneys that passed this Legislative Bill. It was an Honor to be at the VIP City Hall Marriage event capturing some of the most special couples and interviewing the Judges.

Kamala Harris will be truly missed as our Attorney General of California but the several videos of her next to me and her reaching out to connect after was a spiritual journey in a city that has left us in a world of scripts.

Let us meditate to elevate in our communications...our forgiveness of the past and our ability to unite together in intuition, passion and elevation to education until we truly find the unstoppable strength as has our Senator.

This is my "Hillary" and the one I wish to work for as her Delegate when one day she runs for US President.

Namaste.....Francesca "Indigo" Jacobs Co Founder Om Organic Media LLC

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